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Plein Air Art Podcast

Mar 27, 2020

In this special edition, Eric Rhoads interviews American business executive, conference speaker, and author Jay Abraham on what artists and galleries should be doing right now to stay in business during the pandemic.

Mar 21, 2020

In this episode Eric Rhoads interviews representational painter Kyle Ma, who shares how he balances college life with plein air painting, and much more. 

Mar 16, 2020

In this episode Eric interviews portrait and landscape painter Lois Griffel, who talks about discipline versus talent, and much more.

Mar 6, 2020

In this episode Eric interviews master artist Daniel Sprick, who explains painting techniques such as linear perspective and more.

"There's just no substitute for something done by hand,” says Sprick. “Whether it's material crafting, playing a musical instrument or painting a picture. It's just fundamentally...